CV. IKHWANI ADIL SEJAHTERA has become a professional and well known Services and repaired industrial Machines and supplier base in Cilegon , Indonesia, specializing as follows :
1. Supplier in Electronics and Mechanics Component : semiconductors, IGBT, Power modules, diodes, Thyristor, Braking resistor, Potentio , Solid state relay , Cathodic , Rubber Fender , Contactor , PLC, CNC and Drive. These products are used for industrial machinery, Inverter, Converter, Telecommunications, Forklift, Elevator, and consumer electronic.
2. Supplier Telecomunication ,Part Hand phone , Computers and All Modul Electronics
3. Supplier Electrical and installation Electric Industries
4. Supplier Alat Kesehatan , Sarana prasarana Kantor / ATK
5. Services and repaired industrial machines as follows :
5.1 . Services and repaired Welding Machines , Cutting Machines , Inverter Welding Machines all Branch
5.2 . Services and Repaired CNC Milling , CNC Drilling , CNC Lach, etc
5.3 . Rewinding electromotors and Transformers Welding
5.4 . Services and Repaired Printed Circuit Board , Power Modul and Automation Equipment
5.5 . Services and Repaired AVIONICS AIRCRAFT and Ships
5.6 . Services and Repaired Heavy Duty Equipment ( Loader, Crane , Exavator etc) All Branch
6. General Supply
Our Goal is to enhance customers by providing the most complete stocks and various best quality products including data technical information to guide customers of the function and performance of the products precisely.
CV. IKHWANI ADIL SEJAHTERA dedicated to support our customer with best service, and guarantee. For any questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.
CARA MEMPERBAIKI MESIN LAS INVERTER DAN PLASMA CUTTING INVERTER Untuk dapat memperbaiki suatu mesin kita harus mengetahui mengetahui duu prinsip kerja dan cara kerja mesin tersebut. Jika kita sudah mengetahui cara pemakaian dan fungsi dari mesin tersebut barulah kita dapat mengenal jika ada sesuatu yang tidak normal / abnormal terhadap mesin tersebut. Pada kali ini kami akan menyajikan cara memperbaiki mesin las inverter MMA portable, Pada era sekarang type inverter portable welding antara lain : 1. Type MOSFET 2. Type IGBT Yang kami maksud disini adalah Penggunaan MOSFET dan IGBT adalah trrintegrasi menjadi satu rangkaian PCB ) Printed Circuit Board ). Permasalahan yang seringkali terjadi pada portable inverter welding adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Mesin Las Mati Total 2. Mesin Las Hidup tetapi tidak ada output las ( Tidak bisa dipakai ngelas ) Tidak ada OCV, LOW OCV dan High OCV ) 3. Mesin Las Protect ( On Weld Off weld ) 4. Busur Api mesin las tidak dapat di kontrol...